Building muscle strength, improving posture and balance of the body & Reducing pain with various manual therapy that is crucial for strengthening weakened and disused muscles.
patients are taught what constitutes good posture and alignment of the back neck and spine and how to achieve and maintain correct posture while sitting standing, driving, and walking.
Physiotherapists play an important role in the management of acute and chronic pain. After a thorough assessment. We treat many pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, shoulder and knee pain.
Includes first aid, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries, massage and aromatherapy from the casual player to sports persons who need a higher level of mobility & performance.
Treatment of the musculoskeletal system (which is made up of the muscles and bones of the body) that has been subject to injury or trauma. This includes sprains, strains, post fracture, post surgery & injuries.
Dizziness, vertigo & other problems related to balance & inner ear dysfunction can cause profound negative effects on a person's safety & daily life. we will help to improve your daily symptoms.
Conditions commonly associated with older patients include balance & coordination issues, arthritis, cardiac disorders, frequent falls, joint replacement, walking difficulty, weakness & vision disorders.
Hands on approach that seeks to improve gross motor function in children & adults with neurological problems & improve them.
Helps children develop or regain the skills they need to move their bodies. This can include helping babies crawl or teaching children with brain injuries how to walk again.
Neurological physiotherapy involves the treatment of people with movement and function disorders. These are conditions associated with the central nervous system – the brain, spinal cord and nerves.